Saturday, May 26, 2012

Power of Self

What is my growth after applying what life has taught me when I understood the power I possessed?
Well for starters
I have learned that everything in life is created by design
There is a blueprint to life
It doesn't look like the standard architect blueprint
However its formatted the same way
If you know how to read the signs and symbols
Many clues are given to you.
And once you find the blueprint its only the beginning
You must understand that blueprint
Then you are ready to construct the foundation.
If you take short cuts on the foundational level your platform will be weak and your building will eventually fall
It was thru trial and error I learned this valuable lesson
Losing valuable time I now know this and must reconstruct my building accordingly
This time with taking no shortcuts
taking my time
making sure it is laid correctly
my foundation is built
And I must say my building is sturdy and can bare the load of more weight.
My building is grounded.
And the sun sheds light on this fact
Moon speaks of it as it reflects
My truth as fiery as it may be
But if you look in my heart and see
how sweet an m & m can really be.
If you know what I know than you too will c
that measure of time that exists in u and me.
Some folks think its astrology and I just laugh
because they don't even know the half
All I can say to you is sharpen up on your math... lol
History, Art Science to name a few as well
Apply that to life and time will tell
It always does
Nothing in life is just because...
☼♉♂ ♀。◕‿◕。


Friday, May 18, 2012

Ego finally stopped trippin'

i have  turned rejection in life into confidence
no longer  an ego display...
insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results.
change is the one thing that's constant. .
u can't go thru life doing the same thing
u end up with the same.
Trust me I've tested this time and time again
But this time i dared to be different and lo and behold
I got different results
but those results challenged my thinking 
so those resulted in even more results. =) ♥
No more tunnel vision approaches to life.
u know the can't see the forest for the trees syndrome
finally realizing life is a big forest u will meet familiars along 
the way but u mustn't stop if they are on your path
they will continue with u if not life still goes on...  
When I have those experiences
I reflect even if they happen once in a decade
Someone is bound to show up with the band-aids
Set me back on my way 
So I can live to shine the light of truth for yet another day
And I'm thankful...
(\ /)
( . .)♥
c(”)(”) ♥ ♥

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ego Still Trippin'

That Ego is a powerful thing
wont even let u call anyone else
you have to call Ego or EGO
there is nothing lowercase about it
But every time i hang around with them i get in 
 all types of trouble.
Every argument, upset or game
here comes that big bad EGO
now don't get me wrong sometimes
when Confidence isn't around to hold me down
Ego is who i found 
So i took him all around and at some point he switched
with that clown EGO!
Now he is outta control
But oh So Bold
One day this man came around
EGO was gone didn't even see Ego they
both were away
But look who came strolling up the block
he was looking good had his self in order
Tailored suit, degree 
he was all over me 
And that new man who
was the same man from back in the day
Confidence was his name...
I still get chills we are so much the same
Needless to say we are still together here to the end..
One of my closest friends (i'll tell u about Love, Broken heart and Insight later)
Now as far as Ego and EGO are concerned
they still try to come around from time to time
to steal my confidence...
But I don't let 'em...
He is all mine and besides we are doing just fine...

.`•.¸.•´ ★
¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨)
(¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥
★Equality  ♥'s Confidence★
                  4 EVA

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Celestial Awakenings...

my power lies in the truth i communicate
i live out the path that was charted in the sky
from sun up to sun down
i  monitor my steps as i dance with the members of
the celestial procession
how could i be bribed into acquiescence?
Something i fought so hard against 
Now not wanting to leave its presence
(as though that's possible)
however not always liking what i c
can this truly be my destiny
not so happy with the proposed  outcome
I can't believe what was unfold
Whether young or old the story has always been told
Its got me sold
You're going to mind somebody or thing in this case.
That's one of the harsh realities of this science
 I'm not sure if that's one i'm ready to face
Just in case let me take a just lil taste
If its too much I'm putting it down
Doubt that cus with this knowledge id be the baddest around
taste's good
not bad...
can i have some more?
♉♋♊    ♅ ♏
::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do you know where your power lies?

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

One department I always limited my self in life was in the area of my options. I always limited my options to just a few things and people. Now that I have these blinders off I am realizing the sky is not the I have so many options in every area of my life so I do c where my power lies and that isn't in any external force. That is in the power of self realization. When you realize everything external is in direct correlation to what is internal is that experience. So many options not needing to settle many realizations come to mind. You live one life in this body and I finally realized how to monopolize on that... ♥  I am ready to start living the life that I have imagined and not wasting my time on worthless futile pursuits or people that don't value me or my time. Changes are being made and everyone is apart of them, now what side they  fail to c that their fate has yet to be determined... Those that don't make it I'll c u at the top! Believe that! This is not a game and you will see how much its not really soon... peace

When I realized my power I started to see who I am.

Each and everyday acknowledge the power you possess and live the life you have imagined.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

if you observe my ways....(Let No Man Put Asunder)

If you were to observe my ways
u will surely be amazed
wondering what disguise i will
don today
Let's see today is May...

(i sometimes chuckle to myself)

Many faces
1 truth

Some reason I let one in to fully c

but for some strange reason

he was blinded too

then i began to think what did it have to do...
with this!

light bulb!

u c Every time I fall in love

I run and hide because I have become

comfortable with the other side

You know the side where you don't feel the sting

from some crazy news your partner brings

The part of someone trying to take your independence
out of fear of losing u.

When whats really tru

the only thing that can't cause me to lose them

 Is them

Not a lover nor a friend...

Now its been a long time since I really picked up a pen

I lost all connection and all attention necessary to tell my story
which i can tell u during that time there was pain as well as glory

 i am here to tell the tale.

that only i know because I was there

All the other stuff u'll have to look to the air

and see

But as far as down here...

My crystal stair was just

as Langston described

however my story i learned is not one to hide

and if u think i cried over someone who cheated and lied

think again its

More about losing that special someone

who i cherished inside

that someone is/was me

luckily for me before i flat lined

a jolt of life lifted me and ordered me to rise....

         part of me still died....

that is the part that believed in the lie.

 Now you know why i kept my feelings bottled up deep inside...

But are you ready for this ride?

Let No Man Put Asunder

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do you know...

Do you know what it means to observe your cipher (circumference)?

In order to know you have to explore.  Don't have a tunnel vision approach.  What we soon find out that

all of these exist within one.  What u put in is what u get out? You know what they say happens when u

assume. So if  you see any snakes in your grass cut it down and get rid of 'em.

So today,I will use this quiet time of reflection to ponder on things and people that show up in my


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How complete am I

What does it mean to be complete?

Are we ever truly complete?

How can we be complete if we are constantly pursuing the knowledge of who we are in this world?

What makes it worst is that when one gets into a relationship they end up dragging  their mate into the mess they  created and they mate add on to their mess with their own life drama. This more times than not leads to the question: How can we circumvent these occurrences? 

For starters, we can clearly map out and define you goals for the future. Then you must work diligently towards those dreams. Once on that path you will find all the people and the keys you need  to take you along your journey.

In life you may find that the people  and occurrences on your journey of life  begin to change and become different. Don't be alarmed. That means they were no longer serving their purpose in your growth and development.  All that means is that your life cycle has shifted. This always leads to new experiences and discoveries about life and how you fit into that paradigm. When one door closes another one opens up to brand new possibilities.  So all endings make way for new beginnings and and opportunities

We will talk about these more in depth tomorrow.

In the meantime think about if you have some mess that you need to clean up before inviting anyone over. Your future depends on it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Add on and Subtract

today I became privy to a harsh reality
sometimes u can love people more than
they love themselves.

however that doesn't keep ur heart from
being torn to shreds.

Your heart will always be fragile as long as
you sacrifice it to love

is love overrated?
it seems so nowadays

we are in a time where people wouldn't know what love is if it slapped
them in the face.

Or do they know what it is and it makes them want to run cower and hide
cus maybe they are hurting on the inside.

Was their heart broken beyond repair?
Being a surgeon is something I wouldn't dare

The last time I did that it didn't turn out so well...

I can barely repair my own heart
how can I attempt to repair another?

realizing that I decided there is no recourse but to move on...

So I Am...

Changing Clothes

Today I go out and purchase new clothes
The clothes that I have been wearing are worn and no longer of use.
I was given these clothes even though I didn't like them
I wore them anyway
Some of these articles of clothing were given to me
by people who only pretended to like me only to make a fool out of me.
So i got rid of those first
Then I realized the shoes that I was wearing were not mine either
So those had to go as well
 I went  out and got me some custom shoes
To go along with my couture outfit
Just as I was about to leave out the store
I realized that my hair and accessories were all wrong
I had  let someone do my hair and she made a mess of it
and those accessories were also loaners.
Now I have my own outfit that I picked out myself
I'm ready to strut my stuff because I dressed myself.
This is my style and I can walk with confidence...

Monday, May 7, 2012


                                                                                                        Me And You 7
Dear God,

It's me again. I know its been awhile since I wrote to you. Truth is people are still wondering about our existence.  If they knew, then I wouldn't have lost my first mental child to the streets. My cousin wouldn't have taken that first hit.  My grandmother wouldn't of died from something lurking inside. Where was that knowledge of you when kids were dying and continue to die senselessly in the streets?
 Everyone is sitting around waiting for a Mahdi or a Messiah to fix the mess they made. Well I understand why you turned your back but since you did things got all out of whack.  They watch movies and still can't figure out that that Mahdi is I know u know what I mean because our mind is one. Just waiting for the rest of the dumb. In the meantime I'm going to tell you that this isn't fun. Not at all sitting here waiting for your call. Wondering if you will ever call at all.  Not even calling you to pick me up when I fall because I realized you never left. Just as sure as I breathe that breath of life. I know I will always be your wife because we are married in truth. If anyone wants to maintain my attention they must share the acknowledgment of that bond. This will be reflected by their divine presence in my life.  Knowing God is knowing self for i am a divine reflection is what you told me. Why don't they get it? 

Sincerely yours,


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Equality in Relationships

Equality to me represents fairness and balance. It can sometimes represent the same values or sometimes different but its balance all the same for example ( 6=6 however  4+2= 3+3) both equations show the same equality. That is how the balance of relationships are maintained. Sometimes it can take on different variables but as long as the balance is maintained then it will flourish. Once that balance is offset so will the relationship stagger. What is needed to maintain that balance is honest communication. Sometimes in that communication you will find truth. Are you destined to remain together or are you to go your separate ways will be echoing through your mind. This pattern will be repeated continuously through out your life until you finally advance to where you need to be. Only you will know that through serious self exploration. You will see that all relationships reveal certain aspects of your being that we or they neglect, hide or need to further develop. Through relationships we can further explore self in ways we couldn't ever achieve alone. Relationships are partly what makes us who we are.

So today I will reflect on how I can incorporate equality into my daily relationships.

Examining Me

i decided to take time out to examine me
u see the last time when i got mad at he
i got mad at me (the right person)
for many years i became upset because
i allowed someone to disrupt the natural balance
That someone is I
The only person that I can change
So my option is do I stay or do I remain
Mind telling me NO
Heart telling me YES

How did i get into this mess?

yet again i have to take out
the trash.

This time I am recycling

me and you = equality

I sit here reflecting on what it is to be Equality
Let's see I am an emotional being
The way I display it can vary
 depending on my mood
I feel deep
I am deep
so deep that sometimes others and even myself
get lost inside the very essence of me
Its hard for me to share that part of me to you or to
anyone for that matter
For whomever I bear my true soul to is the only one that truly knows
They may even elect to tell u i suppose
But one thing for certain they will leave out a lot
some things out of embarrassment for me or themselves
or they may even they forget about certain occurrences at that given time
Same reason why i don 't buy everything written that i c
The truth is I'm the only one that knows me
Even if you look to the skies
 that is only a glimpse of who I be
Maybe I'll let you get a total glimpse of what lurks
on the other side
Many have dared to enter 
i'll even give it to them they tried
but they just weren't pure in heart
So surely they didn't pass the test
But are you like the rest?
I know u didn't even know u were being tested
And You still wouldn't have known had i not confess
 But since I made this information manifest
must mean that I have come to my decision
You will soon know if u remain apart of my vision.
To be continued...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Glutton For Punishment

Peeling back the paint
Tearing Down the Walls
Starting Fresh
I sometimes feel as though I lost my breath
Gasping for air as I muddle through all the despair
That I created in my life
So much inner strife by trying to cause others suffering by
inflicting pain on self
Realizing this 
I make adjustments as needed
or at least I try
I don't always get it right
A lot of trial and error
Following the heart is such a silly thing at times
I seem to fall for that trap each and every time
When will I learn that the heart has to be balanced with the mind


-A Glutton For Punishment

What is your power? What is your truth? 
The only way you are going to know that is by knowing and understanding self. Self exploration can take you down many avenues.  It can come from interacting with others as well as with our environment. However, the only way one can gain true knowledge of self is through self reflection. In that process one can see the power that they indeed possess. This is done by turning off the TV, Internet and any other external distraction. It's about getting in tune with the higher self. Some do this through song, dance, art, etc... You have to find your method and execute it.

Take the the time out today to determine what your power is so you can live out that blueprint set for your life.

Love and Light !

♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥
Today I decided to be the change I want in my life.  Sometimes in life you have to fake it until you make it. Now what does that mean? Well for starters it doesn't require being fake at all its about
training and conditioning the mind to live the life you imagined. Before anything is done the blueprint is created and activated in the mind. Once one does that the sky is no longer a limit.

So today I am focused on creating my life's blueprint so I can lay the foundation of my dreams and I implore for you to do the same.

Friday, May 4, 2012 interesting re is the hate button i want to delete my acct after seeing
..delete... leads to

(phone rings)

hi l-o-l

caller: what is l-o-l

laugh out loud... duh

caller so y don't u just laugh

this culture has become so social networking frenzied that people don't have real life socialization skills. Sometimes its great to turn off the computer and see people live and direct...♥
I decided to start my blog again after about a 5-6 year writers block and I am so excited to be writing again. I have so much to share. Let me start by sharing a piece I wrote today:


when i hear the word romance
i think of warm embraces,
midnight frolics beneath the sheets
sweet nothings whispered in the ear
long letters of devotion,
walks in the rain stopping to count the drops in between the
sweet and tender kisses
the way he says my name
poetry recitation, deep sensual massage
Mental orgasms as i listen to his C on things
chocolate, honey suckle lips, sticky sheets
neck nibbling, basketball dribbling
wrestling under the cover
taking him as my lover
Eating fruit as he and i bathe together
its when i introduce him to my mother
or how he tucks the babies in before he grabs me so tight in
his arms and tells me he loves me repeatedly
that moment in time
when all time is suspended i am his and he is mine.
just a few of the things running thru my mind
when I hear
the word