Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rose Colored Glasses Please!

Adding further insult to injury
another jab at she
To help her wake up and realize
that there is some more soul searching
she has to do and more to c
You see life has a way of throwing
curve balls your way
So that u may begin to c what
your rose colored glasses didn't reveal.

We all sometimes have a tendency to  c
only what we want to c
Creating a reality shrouded in fantasy
However,  those glasses
tend to fall off
Then u realize in some cases u  were better off
taking another course
of action
Such a deep attraction
Based on what?
Was there real sustenance
Or did your mind create that?
U sit back and ponder on every aspect
of the way u c and saw things
Alarm bell rings
U begin to realize u were living a dream
So far from reality
Only going on images of the way things used to
how they used to smile 
He never even knew the real u
nor did u ever really know he
I guess he needed a breather

Cus obviously
her glasses couldn't make him c
Just how special he was to she
So she cried
B.u.t. this time it only made her stronger
Cus she knew the pain wouldn't endure
too much longer
It was a pain she had gotten used to
However, this time instead of her heart
turning cold like it used to
It became warmer a feeling she could do
This time she is much wiser now
No longer needing a shoulder to cry on
She just turns on her favorite get over him song
and remembers how good she was feeling all along
She then takes out her favorite rose colored glasses
And begins to remember the happy times
his beautiful smile
and Those are the memories she decided to file
Cus this time around
She has learned that life is what u make it
A person can only shatter your heart
if you allow them to break it
This time she chose to keep it intact
At this stage in her life if her heart breaks again
She's not sure if I can ever put it back
And that is an Actual Fact

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