Equality to me represents fairness and balance. It can sometimes represent the same values or sometimes different but its balance all the same for example ( 6=6 however 4+2= 3+3) both equations show the same equality. That is how the balance of relationships are maintained. Sometimes it can take on different variables but as long as the balance is maintained then it will flourish. Once that balance is offset so will the relationship stagger. What is needed to maintain that balance is honest communication. Sometimes in that communication you will find truth. Are you destined to remain together or are you to go your separate ways will be echoing through your mind. This pattern will be repeated continuously through out your life until you finally advance to where you need to be. Only you will know that through serious self exploration. You will see that all relationships reveal certain aspects of your being that we or they neglect, hide or need to further develop. Through relationships we can further explore self in ways we couldn't ever achieve alone. Relationships are partly what makes us who we are.
So today I will reflect on how I can incorporate equality into my daily relationships.
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